Madison County Jailer Steve Tussey announces retirement
December 07, 2024

Madison County Jailer Steve Tussey announced his retirement on a social media post on Saturday.
Tussey has served as Madison County Jailer for six years and was elected twice, most recently in 2022. His retirement will be effective on Jan. 1.
Tussey has served as Madison County Jailer for six years and was elected twice, most recently in 2022. His retirement will be effective on Jan. 1.
“It has been an honor and privilege to have been your jailer these past 6 years, but with the passing of the 70-year, milestone it’s time for a more relaxed lifestyle,” Tussey said on his Facebook page. “I have been in public service now for 50 years, and after many challenging and exciting duty stations throughout the United States, it's time to focus on family and friends.”
Madison County Judge-Executive Reagan Taylor will appoint a replacement to fill out the remainder of Tussey’s term. Deputy Judge-Executive Jill Williams said Taylor’s goal is to find the right fit for the position by Jan. 1.
“I have no doubt that the detention center staff will meet the future challenges with professionalism and compassion as they always do,” Tussey said.
Tussey added that he’s appreciative of the support he has received and looking forward to spending time with his family.
“Thanks again to the Madison Countians that trusted me with your vote and support, it was truly an honor to serve you,” he said. “Cathi and I plan to be more active grandparents and pursue our passion of traveling. Thanks again for this most unique opportunity.”
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